Provision of the boat, diving equipment and all available observation equipment (cameras, drones, binoculars, etc.) in order to carry out these missions.

Throughout the trip, accompany boaters towards eco-responsible practices, go directly to meet boaters, on the mooring site at sea or at the quay in ports, to discuss their practices with them and inform them of the impacts what these uses can have on the environment. Wastewater management, anchors, cleaning products…

Find out more ECO-ACTIONS for BOATERS

Currently, we are working with the association  Ocean Quest France  to train us in coral cutting techniques.

Thereafter we wish to train other people during the trip and to create partnerships with local associations in order to set up zones of rehabilitation of the coral in a sustainable way. 

Promote the practice of responsible diving, inform or train divers in responsible diving practices and techniques and canvass diving centers so that they apply this practice. 


Organize outings to collect waste near the sea and bring it back to selective sorting centres.

Participate and support various scientific projects, whether by providing technical support, by making an inventory of species or by restoring coral reefs, Posidonia…


Highlight and teach people who want the different ecological practices to reduce our impact on our environment.

Educate locals living on the coasts to protect and apply environmentally friendly practices.

We want to create a database to bring together photos, identification techniques, characteristics of marine animals and preservation or observation techniques. This database will be free of rights and accessible to all, in order to give everyone the opportunity to learn about their environment and to be able to acquire the right attitudes, whether for a person walking along the beach or a diver. preparing for his next expedition.